i've learned a lot. i don't think i'm wise or anything, though. but yeah, i've learned some things. so now the best i can do? a little better than a wild guess...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

the messiah spotted in governement-subsidized laboratories!

part four: the outright war on sex

this part need not be long. it doesn't need lots of examples and outrageous quotations and all that. because this the crux of EVERYTHING i've discussed in the first three sections of this rant of mine.

  • why oppose vaccines for sexually transmitted infections? they will "make it ok" to have sex.

  • why educate our children about sexuality in a comprehensive fashion that includes information on contraception — with which they can protect themselves — and does not simply preach abstinence? because then they will not be succumb to scare tactics that stop them from having sex.

  • why not allow a safe and effective drug that will prevent the number of abortions (in the rights' eyes, baby-killing atrocities) over-the-counter status? because it makes sex less risky and more people will do it.

is sex immoral? amoral, even? should we not do it? is it dirty? does it show lack of self control? some sort of character flaw, a defect? i want to know why sex itself has become positively demonized. i want to know why we're heading completely backwards — why the right seems to long for a return to clergy peoples' views on sex in the 1930's. i want to know why, if back in the "heyday" of good, upstanding citizens with good, upstanding beliefs regarding the physical expression of love, the rate of extramarital affairs is lower today than it was in the 1950's (you know, june's-in-the-kitchen-of-our-house-that-looks-just-like-everyone-else's-and-sex-is-for-baby-making-so-we-sleep-in-separate-beds-except-when-we-need-to-procreate). i want to know if george bush looks forward to cozying up to laura at the end of a long, hard day of being the biggest idiot ever to make the "greatest" nation in the world look ridiculous (i mean, come on, it must be exhausting). on second thought i take that back. that is something i don't want to know.

my point is they're doing it. we're doing it. teens are doing it.

and i'll go further to say that they're going to continue to do it. as are we. as are teens.

and i'll go even further to say that we should — all of us — we should be doing it. because it's part of who we are and that will always be true.

and to look at the bigger picture (regrettably): we've got a war on civil rights, a war on privacy, a war on gay rights, a war on free speech, a war on knowledge. (i won't even mention the actual war.) we've got a war on women's rights, a war on choice, a war on birth control, a war on important medical advances... i could go on. and not to say that it is by any means the most important or sickening addition to the above list, but we would be ignorant not to recognize — and perhaps wonder about? — the fact that we are also facing on all-out war on sex.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


so it's been a million years. but as i've decided to start trying to behave myself and become a more fruitful, contributing member of society — no of the planet — i thought i might try the whole blogging thing again. you know, exercise my brain a bit. do brains grow back like worms? hm.

anyway, i am almost finished with the last part of that little series that i'm sure everyone has just been DYING for me to finish, begun months and months ago... but i just wanted to reappear and mention two quick things first.

one is this:
can the world perhaps be saved after all?
yeah, i didn't think so either but it's fun to be optimistic for a second.

the other is a part of a new yorker article that made me fume on the bike at the gym yesterday. and yes, of course it had to do with bush. here's the excerpt:
"last monday, in an interview with abc news, general george casey, the top commander in iraq for the past two years, agreed [with a comment about the rise of sectarian violence in iraq], saying that 'the six last weeks or so have been the highest levels of sectarian violence that i've seen since i've been here' and that 'a countrywide civil war' is 'the most significant threat right now.' (at a news conference that same day, president bush himself weighed in on the subject: 'you know, i hear people say, well, civil war this, civil war that.' well, at least he's listening. or maybe just hearing.)

it's funny that i'm writing this for just myself now. no one will now i'm posting! how profound.

stay tuned...
[don't really need to say that if it's just me, do i?]