i've learned a lot. i don't think i'm wise or anything, though. but yeah, i've learned some things. so now the best i can do? a little better than a wild guess...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

ode to the u of s of a

this isn't funny at all. it's a sad day and i hope people know it. but i'm feeling exhausted and unable to throw facts and quotes and statistics at you electronically (i'm sure you're way bummed about that, too); i'm feeling unable to comment on what i think this means, and what could happen — nothing short of the unthinkable.
so what better to do when you're feeling down about something than to make jokes about it, right?

so i have written a poem
it is my ode to my country on this 24th day of january, two thousand and six...
(and i realize it may seem like i'm jumping the gun, but honestly, i think not.)

dear america how grand are you
how red, how white, and — yes — how blue
and fair, and right, and staunch, and true
america, i'm in awe of you.

and on this sweet eve of this sweet day,
i'd like to take the time to say,
how blessed i feel that god has given
me this holy place to live in

and as if my joy were not complete
just when i thought i'd had you beat
america, you tricky thing,
you just get even MORE right-wing!

i could hardly even trust my ears,
i swear, was almost moved to tears.
for where else on this sprawling globe
would sam alito don a robe?

i henceforth call for jubiliation!
following this comfirmation
just what we need, and that's a promise,
how could we not want more like thomas?

i am just so overcome with glee
that we can rethink that issue "privacy."
i'll tell you i was always skeptical
the right to choose? just unacceptable.

i must also say that i was so moved
by how open and honest our nominee proved.
he answered all without evasion
and looked so suave for the occasion

his lovely wife there by his side
and when he was pressed, oh how she cried!
what a show of regal carriage
what a compliment to marriage.

no lies, no tricks, no strategy
just a man you might bring tea.
indeed, he treads the noble steps of bush,
i want to grab that little tush!

i am so lucky to have found
a country that's so safe, so sound
in which i KNOW i'm not alone
since you're probably tapped into my phone.


Blogger Critch said...


2:38 PM

Blogger C said...

I watched you type that.

1:09 PM


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